Thursday, December 18, 2014

Campus Update December 2014

The JEC Renewal Committee will be re-convening in the New Year. Our members
are Marie Callbeck, Ryan Greyeyes, Lyle Howat, and Ellen Leaman. Your
bargaining committee is meeting with management on January 14th to discuss the
priorities and review the process.

We are waiting for the Employer to finalize the process and send a letter to all
members regarding the part time pension lawsuit.

The Representative Workforce Committee has been established and our
representatives are Thomas Rush, Lynn Parenteau, and Amy Schlechte.

Observer training for stewards who attend pre-lims and interviews will be held in
the New Year.

Members are starting to report that they are expected to do more and more with
the same number of people while the employer adds more out of scope positions.

Your bargaining committee is working to resolve pay issues that casual and part
time members are having. If you are having pay issues, please contact your
campus chair.

Campus chairs will be attending employee engagement presentations at each
campus in January. Dates are posted on mySaskPolytech. We encourage all
members to attend.

Have a safe and happy holiday. We hope you enjoy your time with family and

In Solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Ellen Leaman
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada Wiebe