Thursday, December 24, 2015

For immediate release December 8, 2015

Cuts to Education and Health Costing Saskatchewan Families

The provincial government’s decision to cut millions in funding from post-secondary education and health care in order to offset a budget deficit is short sighted and undermines public services that Saskatchewan families rely on, according to SGEU.

Among the institutions affected by these clawbacks are Saskatchewan Polytechnic, Gabriel Dumont Institute and the seven Regional Colleges.

“At a time when we are experiencing a skilled labour shortage, it doesn’t make sense to cut skills training,” said SGEU President Bob Bymoen. “It’s counter-productive to cut funding from institutions that provide job-focused training to people and get them into the work force.”
“We don’t yet know the impact these cuts will have,” he added, “but we anticipate they’ll lead to program cuts, which will hurt young people trying to get the training they need.”

The Saskatoon Health Region has also announced a plan that will erode health services and cut jobs, leaving many families concerned about job losses during the holidays.

These cuts are a sign of things to come if the provincial government moves ahead with its plan to close 40 public liquor stores, says Bymoen.

“Profits from public liquor sales help pay for Saskatchewan hospitals, schools and highways,” he says. “At a time when the provincial government is scrambling to find money for public services, it doesn’t make sense to sell off profitable liquor stores.”

The 40 SLGA stores that are slated for closure earned profits of $32.6 million in 2014.
“Eliminating 40 public liquor stores will drain millions in revenue from Saskatchewan’s public coffers,” he says. “If the government privatizes liquor sales, Saskatchewan families will be seeing more cuts to quality public services that they rely on.”

Since the government closed four small town liquor stores and opened four new private stores, government revenue from liquor sales has declined for the first
Cuts to education and health costing Saskatchewan families

time in at least a decade. This year’s net income is $8 million less than the year before.
“As we predicted, Saskatchewan’s new private liquor stores are draining money away from public coffers,” he says. “The profits the four new private stores generated could have been used to prevent these cuts to post-secondary education and health. Instead that money has been handed to private corporations.”

“Where is the government’s long-term planning?” he added. “Public liquor stores earn high profits for Saskatchewan people. We call on the government to stop the sell off of liquor stores and keep our public services strong.”

For more information, contact:
Bob Bymoen
President, SGEU

Monday, November 9, 2015

Campus Chairs Update November 2015

Proposals Conference
The following members are the delegates that will be attending the proposals conference on November 20 and 21 in Saskatoon. These delegates will decide on the proposals going forward that our bargaining committee will present to management during our next round of bargaining.

Moose Jaw
Duane Guy
Clara Bayliss
Ellen Leaman
Bonnie Bond
Shawna North
Heather Douglas

Faye Eberle
Prince Albert
Lyle Howat
Robyne Allan
Diane Langois
Jennifer Miller
Patrick Lo
Christine Nemish
Shelley Malko
Deb Zawada Wiebe
Lynne Parenteau

Nancy Ross
Kelly Schultz
Jon Burke

Cathy Van Goethem

Terri Wale

10,000 Days of Seniority
Congratulations to the following members who have reached the incredible milestone of 10,000 days of seniority:

  • Moose Jaw – Linda Schuweiler
  • Prince Albert – Katherine Sutton
  • Regina – Anita Hantelman-Stewart and Lorraine Wollbaum
  • Saskatoon – Bob Nutter, Ken Pokoyoway and Darlene Schaff

SGEU Campaigns
Find out more information about the active campaigns that SGEU is involved in.

In solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada-Wiebe
Brent Wilderman

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Campus Chairs Update October 2015

Campus and Bargaining Chair Elections

Campus Chair elections were recently held. These are the results:
  • Moose Jaw - Shawna North
  • Prince Albert - Deb Zawada Wiebe
  • Regina - Terri Wale
  • Saskatoon - Bonnie Bond
Election for the bargaining chairperson was also held as per our bargaining guidelines. Shawna North was the successful candidate. An election will now be held to fill the campus chairperson opening in Moose Jaw. Brent Wilderman will be acting campus chair until an election is held.

Membership Meetings to Review Proposals 
Each campus chair will be having membership meetings in each campus city to review proposals and changes to our bargaining guidelines. These meetings will be the last week in October. Your campus chair will be sending out this information under separate email.

PEPP Board Member 
SGEU has put out a call for nominations for a member to sit on the Public Employees Pension Plan board. This position is open to all SGEU members. If you are interested in being nominated, contact Shawna North ( Preference to be given to nominees with pension experience/training. Nomination deadline is Friday, November 13.

Long Term Disability (LTD) Change 
Effective November 1, 2015, the service provider of our LTD Plan will be changing to Blue Cross. Those members currently on LTD have been notified and their claim will automatically be moved over.

In solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Terri Wale
Brent Wilderman
Deb Zawada-Wiebe

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Campus Chairs Update September 2015

Proposals Conference
Proposals Conference will be November 20th and 21st in Saskatoon. Call for proposals is now open and will close September 21st. Please submit any changes to the Collective Agreement that you would like to see. Contact your Bargaining Chair if you need help writing your proposal. Forms are available at

Membership Meetings
Your bargaining committee is currently holding membership meetings. We look forward to seeing you on
your campus.
Monday, September 14 – Regina
12:05-12:30 and 12:35 - 1:00 pm Auditorium
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm Auditorium
Tuesday, September 15 - Moose Jaw
12:05-12:30 and 12:35 - 1:00 pm Macoun Lounge
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm Macoun Lounge
Wednesday, September 16 - Prince Albert
12:05-12:30 and 12:35 - 1:00 pm Room 236 Academic Building
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm Dining Room Tech Building
Thursday, September 17 - Saskatoon - Idylwyld Campus
12:05-12:30 and 12:35 - 1:00 pm Room 309
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm Room 104

Own It Petition
Own it is a campaign to protect Public Services. Please go online and sign the petition and take the quiz at

In Solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Ellen Leaman
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada-Wiebe

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Response to Parking Increase

We need your help to send a clear message to Saskatchewan Polytechnic management about the recent announcement of a $15.00 monthly increase to staff parking rates July 1, 2015 and their intention to increase it again next year by another $15.00. We are asking all our members to reply in a respectful manner to the email sent by Mark Fachada on Monday June 8th announcing this increase. The more individuals they hear from the clearer the message that this increase is completely unreasonable.

We will be meeting with senior management on June 22nd and this increase will be an agenda item.

In Solidarity,
Shawna North, PSBU Chairperson

Monday, June 8, 2015

Campus Update June 2015

Membership Meetings 
Your bargaining committee will be hosting campus membership meetings in the fall:  

Tuesday, September 8 - Saskatoon - Administrative Offices
Noon - 1:00 pm Room 210.5
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 210.5

Monday, September 14 - Regina
Noon - 1:00 pm Auditorium
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Auditorium

Tuesday, September 15 - Moose Jaw
Noon - 1:00 pm Macoun Lounge
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Macoun Lounge

Wednesday, September 16 - Prince Albert
Noon - 1:00 pm   Room 236  Academic Building
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm  Dining Room Tech Building

Thursday, September 17 - Saskatoon - Idylwyld Campus
Noon - 1:00 pm Room 309
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Room 104

Proposals Conference
Proposals Conference will be November 20th and 21st in Saskatoon.  Call for proposals will open August 20th and will close September 21st.  The proposal form is available from your Campus Chairperson. Please contact them to obtain the form and if you need help writing your proposal.
New SGEU website
Check out the updated SGEU website.

 PEPP Lawsuit
All employees would have received an email from Terence Carswell regarding non-permanent pension claims. Contact your campus chair if you require additional information.
Benefits after Retirement
Here’s an option for consideration upon retirement 

Your bargaining committee wishes everyone a safe and relaxing summer.  See you in the fall!

Visit our website at

In solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Ellen Leaman
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada-Wiebe

Monday, May 11, 2015

Campus Update May 2015

Brothers and Sisters,

Bread and Roses
Congratulations to Bonnie Bond and Shelley Malko who were among the recipients at this year’s SGEU Convention.

Proposals Conference
Proposals Conference will be November 20th and 21st in Saskatoon. Call for proposals will be August 20th and proposals will close September 21st. Start thinking of any changes to the Collective Agreement that you would like to see. Contact your Bargaining Campus Chair if you need help writing your proposal.

Membership Meetings
Your bargaining committee will be doing the following round of campus membership meetings in the fall. Tuesday, September 8 – Saskatoon Admin Office;
Monday, September 14 ‐ Moose Jaw;
Tuesday, September 15 – Regina;
Wednesday, September 16 – PA;
 Thursday, September 17 – Saskatoon – Idylwyld Campus.
 Rooms and times to be announced.

Your Bargaining Committee presented to the Labour Relations Board the first week of March for a decision on the scope of a new position between the PSBU and the SPFA. The result of the decision can be read here.

Temporary Market Stipends
Your Bargaining Committee attended the annual meeting with Management regarding temporary market stipends.

Out of Scope (OOS) Positions
It is with great concern that we continue to receive requests for more OOS managerial positions during this time of in‐scope layoffs and fiscal restraints.

Own It Petition
Own it is a campaign to protect Public Services. Please go online and sign the petition.
 and also have your friends and family sign. You can also take the quiz.

Own it Campaign Coordinator
SGEU is seeking a union member for the Coordinator of the Own It Campaign. Closing date is May 22, 2015. For more information go here.

In solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Ellen Leaman
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada Wiebe