Monday, May 11, 2015

Campus Update May 2015

Brothers and Sisters,

Bread and Roses
Congratulations to Bonnie Bond and Shelley Malko who were among the recipients at this year’s SGEU Convention.

Proposals Conference
Proposals Conference will be November 20th and 21st in Saskatoon. Call for proposals will be August 20th and proposals will close September 21st. Start thinking of any changes to the Collective Agreement that you would like to see. Contact your Bargaining Campus Chair if you need help writing your proposal.

Membership Meetings
Your bargaining committee will be doing the following round of campus membership meetings in the fall. Tuesday, September 8 – Saskatoon Admin Office;
Monday, September 14 ‐ Moose Jaw;
Tuesday, September 15 – Regina;
Wednesday, September 16 – PA;
 Thursday, September 17 – Saskatoon – Idylwyld Campus.
 Rooms and times to be announced.

Your Bargaining Committee presented to the Labour Relations Board the first week of March for a decision on the scope of a new position between the PSBU and the SPFA. The result of the decision can be read here.

Temporary Market Stipends
Your Bargaining Committee attended the annual meeting with Management regarding temporary market stipends.

Out of Scope (OOS) Positions
It is with great concern that we continue to receive requests for more OOS managerial positions during this time of in‐scope layoffs and fiscal restraints.

Own It Petition
Own it is a campaign to protect Public Services. Please go online and sign the petition.
 and also have your friends and family sign. You can also take the quiz.

Own it Campaign Coordinator
SGEU is seeking a union member for the Coordinator of the Own It Campaign. Closing date is May 22, 2015. For more information go here.

In solidarity,
Shawna North
Bonnie Bond
Ellen Leaman
Terri Wale
Deb Zawada Wiebe